- There are two variants of this keyboard layout: one for left-side w-dots, and one for right-side w-dots.
- To type the long-vowel dot, type the semicolon key (;) after the syllabic character: ᓈ is typed n-a-;
- W-dotted syllabics can by typed two different ways (depending on the keyboardist’s preference).
- Roman Orthography input: ᑷ or ᑶ is typed k-w-i.
- Dot key (u): ᑷ is typed k-i-u. (Using a right-dot keyboard)
- Dot key (u): ᑶ is typed u-k-i. (Using a left-dot keyboard)
- The alternate y-final ᐩ is typed with Shift-y
- The shift-r and shift-l keys type a combining version of the usual ᕒ or ᓬ. This combining character appears above n-series syllabics, and should be typed afterwards.
- The sh-series ᔐ ᔑ ᔓ ᔕ can also be accessed by typing s-h
- With the caps-lock key down, the keyboard reverts to a standard US-keyboard.
In the preceding notes, the hyphen is used to separate keystrokes: k-a is k followed by a, not k, -, a.